Why Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade deserves more love?

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The author of the essay makes the case that Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is among the best action-adventure films ever made.

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The film's exhilarating action sequences, development of Indiana Jones' character and relationships, 

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and the chemistry between Harrison Ford and Sean Connery are all praised by the author. 

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The review also mentions how the movie's emphasis on the Holy Grail and Nazi Germany gives the narrative depth and poses intriguing philosophical issues.

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The author contends that Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade has been eclipsed by Raiders of the Lost Ark's success 

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and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull's negative reviews. 

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The author contends that Last Crusade is a compelling and unforgettable movie that stands on its own and merits being regarded as a masterpiece.

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The article makes a strong case for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade overall by stressing its positive aspects 

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