Unmasking Thanos: The Deception of the Balance Myth

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The acts of the character Thanos are used in the article to analyze the idea of balance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). 

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In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos' ultimate objective was to use the Infinity Stones to exterminate half of all life on Earth, 

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claiming that this was required to restore balance and stop overpopulation. 

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The idea of maintaining balance through murder has become a recurring motif in the MCU, with other characters also having to make difficult choices.

The morality of Thanos' acts is also examined in this article, along with the idea of whether goals truly do justify means. 

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It implies that even while Thanos's objective may have been honorable in theory, the method he used to accomplish it was fundamentally flawed. 

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The essay continues by pointing out that the MCU has done an excellent job of thoroughly examining the complicated idea of balance.

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Ultimately, using Thanos as a case study, the paper offers an intriguing exploration of the idea of balance in the MCU. 

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It poses significant concerns concerning the morality of fictional characters' deeds and the issues covered by popular media.

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