Join Nolan Gould in the fight against climate change - let's do it

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A well-known actor from the famous TV program Modern Family Nolan Gould has expressed his love for climate advocacy. 

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The rising artist, who considers climate change to be the most crucial problem of our time, 

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and he has been utilizing his platform to spread awareness about the urgent need for action.

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Gould has participated in a number of climate-related projects, including the #OneLessStraw campaign and the Youth Climate Strike in 2019. 

In order to advance environmentally responsible practices in the entertainment sector, 

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he has also joined groups like the Environmental Media Association.

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Gould has modified his lifestyle in addition to his campaigning to lessen his carbon impact. 

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He has changed to a plant-based diet and runs his house on renewable energy.

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He exhorts his supporters to make tiny changes like cutting back on meat intake and switching to reusable bags and water bottles.

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