Netflix cancels Chris Rock's Will Smith joke.

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Recently, Chris Rock told a tale about how Will Smith was restricted during an Oprah Winfrey interview. 

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As Winfrey's staff interrupted the interview to cut the video, 

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Smith was reportedly talking about the disparities between being Black in America and being Black in other countries, according to Rock. 

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Rock, who was also present during the interview, voiced his displeasure with the restriction 

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and emphasized the need for candid and open discussions regarding race.

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The event has generated debate on censorship and the value of allowing individuals to express their opinions, especially when they are divisive. 

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While some contend that censorship is required to stop hate speech and defend vulnerable populations, 

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others counter that it can restrict free speech and prevent crucial discussions from happening.

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Regardless of one's position on censorship, it is obvious that there is still plenty to be said about race in America. 

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It is crucial to establish a space where everyone may feel heard and appreciated as more 

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and more individuals come forward to share their stories of racism and prejudice.

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