Is Harry Potter the next Wolverine? Fans are going wild!

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Fans frequently choose Daniel Radcliffe to play Wolverine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

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The most recent fan art of Radcliffe as Wolverine has been making the rounds online, 

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sparking speculation that the actor may play the legendary part. 

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In the picture, Radcliffe is wearing the iconic Wolverine outfit, replete with claws and a tough appearance.

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Although there haven't been any formal announcements about Radcliffe's participation in the MCU, 

the fan art has undoubtedly aroused interest among fans. 

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The actor has previously stated that he would love to play a superhero at some point, indicating his interest in playing the part.

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Yet it's still unclear if Radcliffe will actually don the adamantium claws and take on the role of the future Wolverine. 

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Hugh Jackman, who became associated with the character over the course of multiple films, previously portrayed the part.

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Whether or not Radcliffe ends up playing Wolverine, the fan art shows that Marvel fans are passionate about keeping their favourite characters alive.

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