Bold and Beautiful: Hailee Steinfeld's See-Through Dress

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Hailee Steinfeld garnered attention when she showed up to the launch of her new show, "Hawkeye," wearing a see-through outfit. 

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The actress' translucent, embroidered dress revealed her black bra and undergarments. 

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While some media outlets and fans have complimented the daring design choice, others have slammed it as being improper.

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Steinfeld has already advocated for body acceptance and self-confidence, 

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and her decision to wear the sheer dress is in line with her advice to accept one's physical appearance. 

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Yet, some contend that her attire was unsuitable for a public occasion since it was excessively exposing.

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Regardless of how people feel about Steinfeld's attire, it has undoubtedly ignited a discussion about style and individual expression. 

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Steinfeld's daring fashion decision serves as a reminder that people should have the flexibility to wear what they feel comfortable 

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and secure in a field that frequently pressures women to adhere to particular beauty standards.

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