Get Ready for Humanoid Robots: The Future is Now!

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According to a new analysis by research firm International Data Corporation, within the next ten years, humanoid robots will proliferate across industries.

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They are expected to have a major impact on the healthcare and hospitality industries

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Because the technology underlying these robots has developed and become more widely available.

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Robots that resemble humans in appearance and motion can be taught to carry out a variety of functions. 

For instance, they might be used in healthcare to help with patient care, and in retail they could help customers identify items and give suggestions.

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According to the IDC analysis, there will be a huge increase in the market for humanoid robots over the next several years, 

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with a compound annual growth rate of over 40% anticipated between 2020 and 2025. 

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The necessity to solve the labour shortages in some industries and the rising desire for automation will both contribute to this increase.

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The paper also points out that obstacles exist to the widespread use of humanoid robots, such as worries about safety, privacy, and ethical issues. 

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As such, firms will need to carefully evaluate these challenges when they adopt humanoid robots into their operations.

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