From One to Many: 10 TV Shows That Defied the Odds!

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TV Shows that were originally going to have only one season have been extended to more than one season due to audience preference

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The author lists a number of television programs, such as "Stranger Things," "Breaking Bad," and "Lost," 

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and analyses why they were able to succeed after their first airings.

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According to the author, whereas "Lost" was able to keep viewers interested with its intricate plotlines and mysteries, 

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"Stranger Things" and "Breaking Bad" were able to maintain their popularity due to their intriguing characters and plots.

The article also covers the possible drawbacks of extending the run of performances, 

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like the possibility of running out of original ideas or losing the core of what made the show so wonderful in the first place.

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Overall, the essay offers an intriguing look at how various TV series have succeeded in continuing after their initial schedules, 

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as well as the elements that have contributed to their success. 

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It also presents significant issues regarding the advantages and disadvantages of extending a show over its original runtime.

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